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MHS Online Registration Page!

MISD Parent Portal - Ascender


MISD Student Portal - Ascender

For ALL Current and New Mason High School Students!

Please call the campus office for help with Parent Portal questions 325-347-1122

x 221 High School Mrs. Kruse

x 225 High School Ms. Leamon


Parent/Student Consent and Policy Acknowledgment Form 


The following statements must be annually reviewed and acknowledged by all Mason ISD students and their parents/guardians.  The accompanying Parent/Student Consent and Policy Acknowledgment Form must be completed, signed and returned within 10 school days. Mason High School students should bring the completed document to their first period teacher on the first day of school.


1. Student Handbook

We have been made aware that we can access the Mason ISD Student Handbook online at  and we have been offered the option of receiving a paper copy of the document by requesting the handbook from the school office.  We understand that the handbook contains information that both student and parent/guardian may need during the school year.  If we have questions regarding the handbook, we know that we should direct those questions to the campus principal.


2. Student Code of Conduct

We have been made aware that we can access the Mason ISD Student Code of Conduct online  We acknowledge that we have been offered the option of receiving a paper copy of the document by requesting one from the school office.  We understand that the Code of Conduct contains information that both student and parent/guardian may need during the school year.  We further understand that all students will be held accountable for their behavior and will be subject to disciplinary consequences outlined in the Code of Conduct.  If we have questions regarding the Code of Conduct, we know that we should direct those questions to the campus principal.


3. Acceptable Use

Student Agreement: I understand and will abide by the Mason ISD User Policy for network use found on the Mason ISD website. I also agree to report any misuse of the information system to a staff member. I further understand that any violation of the regulations is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal actions may be taken.

Parent/Guardian Permission: As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Mason ISD User Policy for network access found on the Mason ISD website. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes. I also recognize that it is impossible to restrict access to all controversial materials and will not hold Mason ISD responsible for materials acquired on the network. Furthermore, I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my child's use is not in the school setting. I understand this access enables my son/daughter powerful opportunities and responsibilities to become a learner of the 21st century.

I understand that I will be able to grant or deny permission for my student to participate in the District's electronic communications system.  I also understand that my student is to abide by the District's provisions Corporal Punishment

Mason ISD policy allows for the use of corporal punishment. All corporal punishment shall be administered by the Administrator or designee in the presence of an eyewitness. In the event corporal punishment is chosen as a consequence for my child, I may grant or deny permission for its use.


4. Use of Parent Email for District and Campus Communication

District and campus administrators and faculty members communicate with parents/guardians via email. I understand I will be able to grant or deny permission to use my personal email for such purposes.


6. Student Activity, Event or Travel Acknowledgement

I have read the District’s Student Activity, Event, or Travel Policy found in the Mason ISD Student Handbook.

I acknowledge and understand that by law a school district is generally immune from liability except for those situations that involve the application of excessive disciplinary force or where property or person are harmed or damaged through the negligent use of a motor vehicle operated by the District. I therefore understand that the Mason ISD is not under any circumstances responsible for injury or harm to my son and/or daughter and damage to or loss of his/her property unless legal exceptions would somehow apply. I also acknowledge that the Mason ISD does not provide independent medical insurance and is not legally responsible for my child’s medical expenses under any circumstances. Finally, I acknowledge that District and campus rules and the Student Code of Conduct apply to my student while he/she is participating in a school-sponsored event, activity or travel.


7. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Responsibility Policy

I have read the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Responsible Use Policy found in the Mason ISD Student Handbook. I understand that my student will abide by the provisions included in the BYOD policy should he/she bring a personal electronic device to school.


8. Military Recruiters Release of Information

Federal law requires the school district, upon request, to release the name, home address and telephone number of all high school students to military recruiters unless the student or the student’s parent/guardian have directed the school not to release this information.


9. Registration Information: I understand that registration for returning students is conducted online. Any changes made to my student’s registration information, including parent contact information i.e. phone number, mailing address, etc. must be made using the online registration form or by contacting the registrar.