Mason ISD

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Instructional Accommodations

Change HOW a student receives information or demonstrates learning. Instructional Accommodations are data driven, planned and purposeful, disability related, and necessary for student access and progress in the curriculum.

Regulation 34 CFR §300.160 states that local and state policies may not allow accommodations that invalidate test scores on a test used for accountability purposes (such as orally administering a reading test to a student). Many districts use common assessments and benchmarks to help prepare a student for the appropriate state assessment. A test given in class (i.e. benchmarks, unit tests, summative assessments) that the school is not using for accountability purposes may utilize accommodations not allowable on the state assessment. This provides an equal opportunity for students to demonstrate what they know and prevents bias.

It is important for ARD committees to distinguish between instructional accommodations and
accommodations needed for assessment. Once an ARD committee determines appropriate
accommodations and modifications for a student (including frequency, duration, and location of such services), the LEA is responsible for seeing that those services are provided to a student.

Below are just some examples of common accommodations.
working in a small group
working one-on-one with the teacher
preferential seating to reduce distractions or increase physical access
provide standing work station options
use sensory tools to help students focus
appropriate height and size of desks, tables, & chairs
provide close proximity to visuals for students with visual impairments
give the student extra time to complete assignments or tests
break up testing over several days
allow frequent breaks
provide frequent reminders
provide extended time to process information and tasks
allow student to complete assignment or test sections in a different order
use students as peer tutors and/or designated readers
chunk information and tasks
reduce the reading level of assignments
reduce the difficulty of assignments temporarily while scaffolding the difficulty back up to the level of the standard over time
teach content through the use of audiobooks, movies, videos, and digital media in addition to reading print versions
provide detailed directions orally and in print
preload content vocabulary
allow students to record a lesson instead of taking notes
provide students with an outline of the lesson
teach using mnemonic devices
use class calendars and timers to help students with time management
use visual representatives such as word webs and visual examples
reduce the number of problems or questions for the student to complete
incorporate the use of manipulatives and total physical response activities into classroom instruction
allow answers to be given orally or dictated to a scribe
use a word processor for written work
provide opportunities for students to submit responses electronically
use sign language, a communication device, Braille, or native language (if it is not English)
shorten length requirements of written papers
provide audiotape of lectures or books
give copies of teacher's lecture notes
use large print books, Braille, books on CD, or other digital texts
use supplemental aids and graphic organizers
fewer items on each page or line
provide student with a color overlay and/or place marker
encourage the use of a highlighter