Calculation Aids: Must receive special ed or 504 services, routinely, independently, and effectively use the accommodation during instruction and testing and meet at least one of the following criteria for the applicable grade.
Grades 3 and 4: the student has a physical disability or the student has an impairment in vision
Grades 5 through 8: the student has a physical disability, or the student has an impairment in vision, or the student has a disability that affects mathematics calculations (a problem adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing using paper and pencil that can be caused by various reasons, including (but not limited to a Learning disability in mathematics calculation, ADD/ADHD, behavioral or emotional problem or processing or memory issue).
This accommodation may include ONLY: four-function calculator, scientific calculator, graphing calculator, large-key calculator, abacus or Cranmer modified abacus, audio-graphing calculator, speech-output calculator, 0-9 grid with no special numbers indicated, or Grade-appropriate multiplication grid with no special numbers indicated.