Content Supports + Language and Vocabulary Supports
Content Supports + Language and Vocabulary Supports
Content Supports + Language and Vocabulary Supports: Available on STAAR online tests only in the form of pop-ups and rollovers.
Content Supports Pop-Ups:
Isolate specific information in a question that corresponds to each answer choice
Isolate specific text or information in a selection that is referenced in the question or answer choices
Isolate specific information in a graphic or list that is referenced in the question
Apply an allowable supplemental aid (e.g., graphic organizer, place-value chart, t-chart, graphic or scientific concept, timeline, map) to specific questions or answer choices
Include the formula from the grade-specific Reference Materials when the question specifies the measure or conversion to be performed
Direct student attention to parts of the grade-specific Reference Materials
Provide clarifying information for a graphic organizer, political cartoon, or map
Provide a visual representation in the selection, question, answer choices, or in the writing prompt by adding graphics, photographs, or animations
Content Supports Rollovers:
Bullet or separate steps in a process (e.g., multi-step problem, sequence of events)
Content Supports Supplementary Materials:
Blank Punnett squares (Biology only)
Writing checklists (writing, English I and English II only)
Language and Vocabulary Pop-ups:
Define and clarify construct-irrelevant words, phrases, and sentences using plain language, synonyms, definitions, examples, and consistent language
Provide a visual representation in the selection, question, answer choices, or in the writing prompt by adding graphics, photographs, or animations
Language and Vocabulary Rollovers:
Reword complex questions or answer choices to condense text
Reorganize and simplify historical excerpts, respecting the TEKS based academic vocabulary
Language and Vocabulary Pre-reads:
Offer text prior to the selection (only for reading 3-8; writing 4&7, English I and English II)